Business Models and Entrepreneurial Strategies

Parsons Paris: Paris Design & Management

Business Models & Ent Strategy
Fall 2019
Taught By: Emily Song
Section: PC1

Course Reference Number: 5483

Credits: 3

This course provides students with an understanding of the interrelationships between business model components and the ability to ask the questions and conduct the research that will enable them to start a business and/or appraise business plans. This course is offered in conjunction with the Senior Project studios and allows the students to compare and analyze different business models and strategies for their Senior Project concepts. Students specifically identify the necessary resources for their interventions and the associated costs, choose an operational configuration and develop market entry strategies and launching plans to actualize their projects. Open to: BBA in Strategic Design and Management students; seniors only; others by permission of BBA in Strategic Design and Management program.Pre-requisite(s): APDM 3409 Financial Management.

College: Parsons Paris (CP)

Department: Paris Design & Management (APDM)

Campus: Paris (PC)

Course Format: Seminar (R)

Max Enrollment: 16