Performing Gender

Parsons Paris: Paris Art/Design Hist/Theory

Performing Gender
Fall 2018
Taught By: Brennan Gerard
Section: PC1

Course Reference Number: 7524

Credits: 3

"This course combines a reading seminar with an improvisational movement practice to explore issues of gender and sexuality. Students will learn the score of Reusable Parts/Endless Love, a performance created by artists Gerard & Kelly that explores the codes and conventions of gender roles. The course will examine the score as a compositional tool; theories of gender performativity; and representations of sexuality in contemporary dance and visual art. The course meets as seminar and as studio, to discuss the theory and thinking process that generated the score and then to embody this knowledge by learning, interpreting, and ultimately transforming the performance work. The structure of the course, like the score on which it is based, is recursive, in order to amplify opportunities for experiential learning and embodied knowledge. Thus, we will read and re-read, do and re-do, perform and re-perform, using repetition as a way of working through complex questions of gender, sexuality, and difference. The course will also include trips to relevant performances and exhibitions in the city of Paris. Open to all students with an interest in performance and/or gender studies, regardless of experience."

College: Parsons Paris (CP)

Department: Paris Art/Design Hist/Theory (APHT)

Campus: Paris (PC)

Course Format: Seminar (R)

Max Enrollment: 16