Performing Arts Strategies for the Future

College of Performing Arts: Entrepreneurship

Performing Arts Strategies
Spring 2020
Taught By: Ruby Lerner
Section: A

Course Reference Number: 7709

Credits: 3

Taught by the founder of Creative Capital, Ruby Lerner, this course will explore the role that values-based imagination needs to play in the lives and careers of future leaders. Alongside hard core skills needed to manage complex 21st Century institutions, it is equally critical to explore the universe of possibilities for how the external world might evolve in future decades, to envision how those diverse possible scenarios could affect the mission and values of next generation organizations, how those organizations might be structured in light of these possible futures, and even how the actual work these organizations undertake might be affected. Such future-oriented questions and possibilities will animate this course. From a structural standpoint, students will read and discuss important texts by leading futurists; learn the theory and practice of foresight analysis from Garry Golden, a consultant to high profile companies practicing foresight analyst; engage with leading thinkers and disruptors in a range of sectors, including arts and culture--who are asking bold questions and experimenting with new models; and will use scenario planning to explore the possibilities of an uncertain future and consider and design strategic responses to those futures.

College: College of Performing Arts (CO)

Department: Entrepreneurship (CENT)

Campus: New York City (GV)

Course Format: Seminar (R)

Max Enrollment: 20