Politics of Memory

New School for Social Research: Anthropology

Politics of Memory
Spring 2019
Taught By: Jonathan Bach
Section: A

Course Reference Number: 7655

Credits: 3

Nations rely on memories, yet today national territories are increasingly sites of encounter where national memories are dis- and relocated and overlap in new and complicated ways, especially for controversial memories stemming from state violence. This class explores how migration is changing the role of memory and how memory itself travels across generations and geographies. How do people removed in time and space from original, often traumatic, events endow them with meaning and power in the present, and with what effects? How do memory institutions (memory laws, archives, memorials, museums, schools, but also literature, theater, and film) negotiate the shifting roles of personal and collective memory? Empirical cases from around the world include the memorialization of controversial events outside the home country (e.g. commemoration of Korean “comfort women” in the US; attempts to recognize Armenian genocide in Germany in the context of Holocaust memory and Turkish migration), the deployment of collective memory in national discourses to frame migrant and refugee crises including migrant deaths (e.g. in Europe, the US, and Australia), slavery (e.g. African burial grounds in New York) and the growing tension between the national and the transnational in dealing with dislocated memories. Readings will draw from memory studies, anthropology, political science, sociology, comparative literature, performance studies, media and film. Students will complete an independent research project that explores the dynamics of entangled memory in a specific case or cases.

College: New School for Social Research (GF)

Department: Anthropology (GANT)

Campus: New York City (GV)

Course Format: Seminar (R)

Max Enrollment: 7