Cognition and Culture

New School for Social Research: Anthropology

Cognition and Culture
Fall 2019
Taught By: Lawrence Hirschfeld
Section: A

Course Reference Number: 7198

Credits: 3

It is hardly controversial to claim that thinking occurs in and through the action of the brain, and that brains are organs that exist in individual bodies. It is equally uncontroversial to claim that all humans live in cultural environments which affect almost every facet of existence. Why, then, is there such limited intersection between the disciplines devoted to studying thought in the individual, on one hand, and the one devoted to studying cultural environments, on the other? This seminar is concerned with identifying why this unfortunate circumstance has come to be, particularly since historically anthropology and psychology enjoyed a rich relationship and sustained collaborations.

College: New School for Social Research (GF)

Department: Anthropology (GANT)

Campus: New York City (GV)

Course Format: Seminar (R)

Max Enrollment: 4