Stem Cells and Social Justice

Eugene Lang College Lib Arts: Natural Sciences & Mathematics

Stem Cells and Social Justice
Spring 2019
Taught By: Katayoun Chamany
Section: A

Course Reference Number: 7480

Credits: 4

The focus in this civic engagement course is stem cell biology and appropriate policies to govern and fund this field of research and its related emerging technologies. Though stem cells are used to advance basic scientific knowledge they are also harnessed to explore tissue regeneration, enhancement, and new forms of reproduction. The work has lead to the creation of chimeras, synthetic-like human embryos, and organs in a dish. Using case studies and perspectives from critical race studies, gender studies, and disability studies, students investigate the biological and legal perspectives of the commodification of human cells and tissues; regulations related to emerging technologies; the safety of clinical trials; and the medical versus social model of health. Students demonstrate their learning of stem cell biology and its social implications through: the development of educational media and outreach initiatives; visual narratives; role-play of various stakeholders in the stem cell debates; policy proposals; and exams. Course resources include book chapters, government and NPO-sponsored publications, documentary and science fiction films blogs, news, scientific research articles as well as the Stem cells Across the Curriculum website ( . Elective for the Interdisciplinary Science Major, Gender Minor, and Civic Engagement and Social Justice Minor, and the "subject by subject" course requirement for Journalism + Design Major.

College: Eugene Lang College Lib Arts (LC)

Department: Natural Sciences & Mathematics (LSTS)

Campus: New York City (GV)

Course Format: Seminar (R)

Max Enrollment: 18