Environmental Action & Research: NYC Waterways

Eugene Lang College Lib Arts: Lang College

Environmental Action& Research
Summer 2013
Taught By: Robert Buchanan
Section: A

Course Reference Number: 1859

Credits: 4

Study New York City’s rivers, harbor, and waterfront with Robert Buchanan and other NYC activists and learn how to shape policy and public action. Last fall’s hurricane and storm surge brought attention to long-overlooked environmental challenges that New York City and the region must face. After introductory lectures and field trips, students form teams, each of which works with an agency or nonprofit partner on a research or advocacy project. Activities include exploring the natural history and biodiversity of particular sites researching local conservation and land use issues, interviewing residents and other stakeholders, and developing a multimedia campaign directed at community groups, elected officials, and the larger public. Each team has a small production budget. A “crit session” with New School faculty members and outside experts concludes the course. Current Lang students are encouraged to speak to an advisor about summer registration and, if planning to register for other summer credits in addition to this course, must obtain permission from their advisor.

College: Eugene Lang College Lib Arts (LC)

Department: Lang College (LNGC)

Campus: New York City (GV)

Course Format: Seminar (R)

Max Enrollment: 20