Building the Modern City: The History of Urban Planning from 1850 to 1945

Schools of Public Engagement: Humanities

Building the Modern City
Spring 2018
Taught By: Emily Bills
Section: A

Course Reference Number: 5531

Credits: 3

The impact of the Industrial Revolution on the rise of the modern city inspired many planners to consider how urban spaces might be shaped to provide a more egalitarian metropolitan experience. These efforts motivated reforms in living conditions; inspired new types of transportation infrastructure; spotlighted colliding attitudes toward urban or suburban living; and revealed racial, gender, and class disparity. This course explores such issues through a survey of the major contributions to modern city planning and politics in Europe and the United States from 1850 to 1950, paying particular attention to widely influential projects developed by key urban thinkers. Students are familiarized with topics such as the City Beautiful, the Garden City, and the Radiant City. We also discuss the clashes between labor and capital, urban poverty and white flight, and responses to environmental degradation. Online course material is provided through image-based lectures, podcasts, videos, guest speakers, and primary source readings.

College: Schools of Public Engagement (NS)

Department: Humanities (NHUM)

Campus: Online (DL)

Course Format: Lecture (L)

Max Enrollment: 17