Beyond iCelebrities: Social Networking and Social Activism

Schools of Public Engagement: Communication

Beyond iCelebrities
Spring 2017
Taught By: Kathleen Sweeney
Section: A

Course Reference Number: 2321

Credits: 0 OR 3

Popular social networking sites have evolved rapidly in the past few years, alongside Internet-savvy grassroots organizations like The course outlines the recent history of Move On, Code Pink, Facebook, YouTube, and Second Life (virtual activism) and the viral nature of Internet trends. What happens when corporate entities enter social networks on the Internet? What is the link between viral marketing and social change? We consider questions about the nature of the "collective generosity" mindset inherent in millennial offerings like Wikipedia, with an eye to mapping global resource and information networks to include the most disenfranchised of global citizens. How can the activist potential of the Internet be used to address global warming, poverty, and political injustice?

College: Schools of Public Engagement (NS)

Department: Communication (NCOM)

Campus: Online (DL)

Course Format: Seminar (R)

Max Enrollment: 17