Food Fight! The Role of Food in Advocacy and Sociopolitical Communication

Schools of Public Engagement: Food Studies

Food Fight! Role Food Advocacy
Spring 2020
Taught By: Stefani Bardin
Section: A

Course Reference Number: 3747

Credits: 0

{ "courseDescription": "Hunger and food justice, health and obesity, locavorism, biotechnological influences, fair trade, ethical consumption, and sustainability are slowly starting to enter into the larger dialogue about food within the realms of contemporary media outlets. Students will examine and discuss different kinds of food and food advocacy content generators, while reflecting on how to create effective forms of communication for food-related activism.", "countsTowards": ", "countsTowardsLink": ", "willLearn": "How to decipher and create messages coded in various “food fights”;\nAbout the history and development of food-centered movements;\nHow to identify and analyze ethical and political issues involved in the production and consumption of food. ", "benefits": "An understanding of the role food plays in communication;\nThe ability to understand of the strategic focus for social, political and environmental debates and the confidence to enter into these debates;\nAn appreciation of food as culture and an inspiration for art and media." }

College: Schools of Public Engagement (NS)

Department: Food Studies (NFDS)

Campus: New York City (GV)

Course Format: Seminar (R)

Max Enrollment: 1