Food & Emerging Technologies

Schools of Public Engagement: Food Studies

Food & Emerging Technologies
Fall 2017
Taught By: Stefani Bardin
Section: A

Course Reference Number: 6086

Credits: 3

A course dedicated to exploring the role of emerging media and new technology on the exploration and articulation of topics focusing on the many facets of the Food System. We will be looking at artists, technologists, policy makers, architects, scientists and designers who utilize technology to explore and in many cases expose and ameliorate issues within our tightly veiled and anthropogenic food production and distribution systems. Students will gain insight into how these emerging technologies and art and design practices influence our Food System, the environment as well as the food we eat. Students will also be tasked with investigating the issues raised in class and then creating responses to the material in actionable and deployable ways— analog and technology based projects that seek to address and improve upon issues that plague our Food System and by extension the health and well being of ourselves and the planet.

College: Schools of Public Engagement (NS)

Department: Food Studies (NFDS)

Campus: New York City (GV)

Course Format: Seminar (R)

Max Enrollment: 22