Planning and Urban Citizenship
Schools of Public Engagement: Milano General Curriculum
Course Reference Number: 7715
Credits: 3
How can urban planning empower individuals and communities to create more sustainable, just and democratic cities when the world is in crisis? In this course we answer this question by: a) Reviewing the history of urban planning. b) Exploring new and re-discovered frameworks and paradigms to guide communities and governments in in the production of urban space. c) Examining the changing, environmental, social, economic and political contexts that shape urban life using the lens of urban citizenship. d) Studying the different stages of the planning process, from how planners imagine futures, to how they implement projects and evaluate their work. e) Problematizing the relationship between planning and crisis. Students will use these theoretical insights to develop a framework to design, implement, and evaluate planning projects that can be applied to real-world problems. The material, discussions and assignments are relevant for Master’s and PhD students from all disciplines who are interested in urban planning, public policy, urban politics, community development, urban design, international development and environmental studies.
College: Schools of Public Engagement (NS)
Department: Milano General Curriculum (NMIL)
Campus: Online (DL)
Course Format: Seminar (R)
Max Enrollment: 19