Int Act: Act/Dir Relationship

School of Drama: BFA Dramatic Arts

Int Act: Act/Dir Relationship
Fall 2021
Taught By: Stephen Brown-Fried and Ka-Ling Cheung
Section: A

Course Reference Number: 11967

Credits: 3

This course is an intermediate level BFA course for both actors and directors, and explores the extraordinary potential of the actor/director collaborative partnership. This course is guided by the belief that successful directing requires an understanding of and passion for the work of the actor, and that successful acting is enabled and empowered by an understanding of and collaboration with the work of the director. Using as its structure the process of theatrical production, starting with the audition and moving through rehearsals and ultimately performance, this course will examine collaborative techniques and approaches to partnership that exist at each stage in the theatrical production process. Additionally, this course will invite students to deepen their understanding of their collaborators' work by at times occupying the role of their collaborator (with actors functioning as directors and directors functioning as actors).

College: School of Drama (DR)

Department: BFA Dramatic Arts (TDRU)

Campus: New York City (GV)

Course Format: Studio (S)

Max Enrollment: 6