Project: Poetic Language

College of Performing Arts: Theatrical Practices

Project: Poetic Language
Spring 2023
Taught By: Stephen Brown-Fried and Patrice Johnson
Section: A

Course Reference Number: 13649

Credits: 2

Project: Poetic Language explores approaches and tools for performing language that may be metric, that makes frequent use of imagistic and sonic tools, and that demands increased scale and sense of scope from the performer. Focusing on scansion and rhythmic analysis, awareness of breath and the performer's physical relationship to language as well as devices of imagery and rhetoric, this course will culminate in the performance of a classroom-based project consisting of multiple found poetic texts.

College: College of Performing Arts (CO)

Department: Theatrical Practices (TPRC)

Campus: New York City (GV)

Course Format: Studio (S)

Max Enrollment: 12