Analysis Through Action 1.2

College of Performing Arts: Theatrical Practices

Analysis Through Action 1.2
Spring 2023
Taught By: Jenelle Chu and Annelise Lawson
Section: A

Course Reference Number: 13653

Credits: 1

Analysis Through Action is an introduction to a powerful methodology for actors, directors, and theater makers alike, developed from Stanislavski’s final experiments. The technique employs études: a unique rehearsal tool that sources performers individual impulses as a framework for text analysis. Students will learn how to mine a text for all known given circumstances and explore them in an embodied way, building a visceral connection to the world of the play. They’ll also investigate the many unanswered questions of the text - zeroing in on those that excite their imaginations and pique their artistic curiosity - and begin to personalize them through études. The method gives students practical tools to pull even the most intimidating texts off their pedestals and make them their own.

College: College of Performing Arts (CO)

Department: Theatrical Practices (TPRC)

Campus: New York City (GV)

Course Format: Studio (S)

Max Enrollment: 12