Political and Public Advocacy for the Arts

College of Performing Arts: Coll of Performing Arts

Liberal Arts
Undergraduate Course
Graduate Course
Majors Only
Politic & Pub Advocacy in Arts
Fall 2024
Taught By: Pablo Helguera and Alexander Navarro-Mckay
Section: A

CRN: 16156

Credits: 2

This course focuses on the role and nature of governmental policy at the national, state and local levels. Key facets of this course include understanding and changing public policy, identifying decision-makers and policy analysis, and effective communications with key policy makers. Students will investigate the essential relationship between government and the arts, including cultural and educational policy, funding, the relationships among federal, state, and local policies, and key policies such as visa, federal funding, cultural diplomacy, artist rights, copyright, and arts education standards and regulations. Specific attention will be given basic advocacy, including public awareness and legislative, coalition building, government relations, and the basic steps to launching a campaign.

Prerequisites: No Prerequisites
Co-Requisites: No Co-requisites

College: College of Performing Arts (CO)

Department: Coll of Performing Arts (COPA)

Campus: New York City (GV)

Course Format: Seminar (R)

Modality: In-Person

Max Enrollment: 15

Repeat Limit: N/A

Add/Drop Deadline: September 9, 2024 (Monday)

Online Withdrawal Deadline: November 17, 2024 (Sunday)

Seats Available: Yes

Status: Closed*

* Status information is updated every few minutes. The status of this course may have changed since the last update. Open seats may have restrictions that will prevent some students from registering. Updated: 1:56am EST 2/10/2025

Meeting Info:
Days: Tuesday
Times: 2:00pm - 3:40pm
Building: Eugene Lang 65 W11th
Room: 262
Date Range: 8/29/2024 - 12/3/2024