Psychology of Gender
New School for Social Research: Psychology
CRN: 15903
Credits: 3
How has Western psychology understood the concept of Gender? How have conceptualizations of gender changed over time? What is the relationship between sex and gender? What about gender and sexuality? This course provides an overview of the field of the psychology of gender from critical perspectives from within the discipline of psychology, as informed by Feminist Theory, Queer Theory, Trans* Studies, Critical Race Theory, and Disability Studies. In particular, we engage with four decades of feminist psychological theory, research and methodologies that have challenged what we study, who we study, how we study, and what we (think) we know about women, men, and gender in psychology. After interrogating the sex/gender binary, we examine the gender stereotypes that support this binary, and the consequences of these stereotypes for cognition, behavior, and affect. We explore the direct and indirect regulation and management of cis- and transgendered bodies, and the psychological implications of such regulatory regimes. Key topics include: constructing sex/gender; feminist research methodologies; intersectionality; gender & development; sex & sexuality; gender and mental health; body image & embodiment; gender & medicalization; and gender-based violence, intimate relationships, reproductive pathways, psychology of boys men and masculinities, among others. * Undergraduates, and students enrolled in other programs may register with permission of instructor.
College: New School for Social Research (GF)
Department: Psychology (PSY)
Campus: New York City (GV)
Course Format: Seminar (R)
Modality: In-Person
Max Enrollment: 30
Repeat Limit: 2
Add/Drop Deadline: February 3, 2025 (Monday)
Online Withdrawal Deadline: April 15, 2025 (Tuesday)
Seats Available: Yes
Status: Closed*
* Status information is updated every few minutes. The status of this course may have changed since the last update. Open seats may have restrictions that will prevent some students from registering. Updated: 10:50am EST 2/21/2025