Media Psychology
Schools of Public Engagement: BPATS
CRN: 2418
Credits: 3
Throughout this course we will investigate how psychologists have theorized media over the past several decades to help construct the field of media psychology. We will explore the relationship between psychology, media, and technologies through a critical framework, taking into account intersecting issues of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, and dis/ability. Our readings will examine debates regarding the psychological impacts of media engagement across the lifespan, and the uses of media for psychological inquiry. The course will incorporate readings from related fields such as feminist psychology and media studies to help course members engage in critical dialogue throughout the semester. This course counts toward the Gender Studies minor.
College: Schools of Public Engagement (NS)
Department: BPATS (BPAT)
Campus: New York City (GV)
Course Format: Seminar (R)
Modality: Online - Asynchronous
Max Enrollment: 26
Add/Drop Deadline: June 17, 2024 (Monday)
Online Withdrawal Deadline: July 25, 2024 (Thursday)
Seats Available: Yes
Status: Closed*
* Status information is updated every few minutes. The status of this course may have changed since the last update. Open seats may have restrictions that will prevent some students from registering. Updated: 5:10pm EST 2/16/2025