Portfolio and Promotion

Parsons School of Design: School of Constructed Env.

Non-Liberal Arts
Undergraduate Course
Degree Students
Portfolio and Promotion
Fall 2024
Taught By: William Oberlin
Section: A

CRN: 3375

Credits: 3

This course will focus on the design and production of an interior design or architecture portfolio. Students will be introduced to the fundamental principles and processes used to promote their work in both print and web formats. While a portfolio package is the final product of the course, the objective is threefold: to understand the design field in which you operate, where you and your work fit into it, and how you develop and promote your work in an accessible manner within the field. To meet these objectives, the course is organized in three parts: 1. Contextual analysis of existing monographs; 2. Printed portfolio and leave-behind mailer; and 3. Online exhibit. As a collection, the various mediums in which you represent your work should clearly and uniformly promote you and your identity as a designer. Discussions will include Professional Practice and Ethics.

Open to: All university undergraduates.
Prerequisites: No Prerequisites
Co-Requisites: No Co-requisites

College: Parsons School of Design (PS)

Department: School of Constructed Env. (SCE)

Campus: New York City (GV)

Course Format: Seminar (R)

Modality: In-Person

Max Enrollment: 15

Repeat Limit: N/A

Add/Drop Deadline: September 9, 2024 (Monday)

Online Withdrawal Deadline: November 17, 2024 (Sunday)

Seats Available: No

Status: Closed*

* Status information is updated every few minutes. The status of this course may have changed since the last update. Open seats may have restrictions that will prevent some students from registering. Updated: 12:10pm EST 2/12/2025

Meeting Info:
Days: Tuesday
Times: 9:00am - 11:40am
Building: Parsons East 25 E13th
Room: 302
Date Range: 8/27/2024 - 12/3/2024