Body II

College of Performing Arts: Drama

Non-Liberal Arts
Graduate Course
Majors Only
Body II
Spring 2025
Taught By: Teva Bjerken, Violeta Picayo, Alba Quezada, and Paz Tanjuaquio
Section: A

CRN: 13552

Credits: 2

Movement Language will focus on how movement can work as a central tool in performance and storytelling. Building on the tools developed in Body 1, Body 2 will move from the foundational elements of breath, voice and body into a shared and communal space. Through a series of explorations and creation opportunities the students will engage in the myriad ways that movement can serve as text and provide structure for performance. Guided by a desire to fortify each artist’s individual movement style and exploration with expanded learning opportunities from other students and outside guests, the course will focus both on internal investigation as well as outward and collective modes of creation. The majority of this class is in the classroom with no required outside engagement.

Prerequisites: No Prerequisites
Co-Requisites: No Co-requisites

College: College of Performing Arts (CO)

Department: Drama (DRA)

Campus: New York City (GV)

Course Format: Studio (S)

Modality: In-Person

Max Enrollment: 16

Repeat Limit: 2

Add/Drop Deadline: February 3, 2025 (Monday)

Online Withdrawal Deadline: April 15, 2025 (Tuesday)

Seats Available: Yes

Status: Closed*

* Status information is updated every few minutes. The status of this course may have changed since the last update. Open seats may have restrictions that will prevent some students from registering. Updated: 4:38pm EST 2/16/2025

Meeting Info:
Days: Tuesday, Thursday
Times: 9:00am - 10:40am
Building: Drama 151 Bank
Room: 109
Date Range: 1/20/2025 - 5/8/2025
Days: Wednesday
Times: 1:20pm - 3:00pm
Building: Drama 151 Bank
Room: 207
Date Range: 1/20/2025 - 5/7/2025