Lighting for Performance

College of Performing Arts: Drama

Non-Liberal Arts
Undergraduate Course
Graduate Course
Lighting for Performance
Spring 2025
Taught By: Miriam Crowe and Chad Groshart
Section: A

CRN: 15940

Credits: 2

This course introduces students to the fundamental principles of light and lighting and performance lighting technologies including light sources and controls. Students will develop skills and techniques through the use of color, intensity, composition, angle, and the quality of light; the development of light plots; and other means to communicate performance lighting design. Students will gain hands-on experience with hanging, aiming, focusing, and rigging performance lighting equipment. Though this course will primarily focus on lighting for the theater, these principles can be applied to other performance mediums.

Prerequisites: No Prerequisites
Co-Requisites: No Co-requisites

College: College of Performing Arts (CO)

Department: Drama (DRA)

Campus: New York City (GV)

Course Format: Studio (S)

Modality: In-Person

Max Enrollment: 16

Repeat Limit: N/A

Add/Drop Deadline: February 3, 2025 (Monday)

Online Withdrawal Deadline: April 15, 2025 (Tuesday)

Seats Available: Yes

* Seats available but reserved for a specific population.

Status: Closed*

* Status information is updated every few minutes. The status of this course may have changed since the last update. Open seats may have restrictions that will prevent some students from registering. Updated: 7:12am EST 2/7/2025

Meeting Info:
Days: Wednesday
Times: 10:00am - 11:40am
Building: Parsons East 25 E13th
Room: 303
Date Range: 1/22/2025 - 5/14/2025