Urban Worlds: Social Justice and the Lived City
University Curriculum: University Curriculum
CRN: 7558
This course considers the many ways that we build, adapt, and live together in cities. With the majority of the world's population inhabiting urbanized areas, cities have become a crucial stage on which human social relations are made. And yet, we experience cities in incredibly varied ways. We bring our own personal and cultural values to everyday encounters with one another, even as political and economic forces sort us into uneven social relations. A fundamental experience of city life, then, is the process by which we navigate between our dreams and desires, on the one hand, and the barriers and deprivations of inequality on the other. This process results in a constant struggle for the city. We examine this struggle from the street corner to the globe and in between. Along the way, we pose several key questions: how are cities made, and for whom? How do we inhabit them? What are the filaments that hold us together? What forces and phantasms tear us apart? How might we carve out new social relations and imagine new spaces of transformation? The main goal of the course is to introduce rigor and complexity to the examination of cities. The first part familiarizes students with ways to approach and conceptualize cities. The second part explores historic transformations of cities in the context of social, economic, and political relations. And the third part applies these concepts to contemporary urban problems. **Students must register for both the lecture and discussion section of this course.** Note: Discussion sections A, B, and C are held in-person on campus.
College: University Curriculum (UL)
Department: University Curriculum (UNIV)
Campus: New York City (GV)
Course Format: Lecture (L)
Modality: In-Person
Max Enrollment: 100
Add/Drop Deadline: September 9, 2024 (Monday)
Online Withdrawal Deadline: November 17, 2024 (Sunday)
Seats Available: Yes
* Seats available but reserved for a specific population.
Status: Closed*
* Status information is updated every few minutes. The status of this course may have changed since the last update. Open seats may have restrictions that will prevent some students from registering. Updated: 8:48pm EST 1/21/2025