Beginning Poetry Workshop

Schools of Public Engagement: Creative Writing

Liberal Arts
Undergraduate Course
Degree Students
Beginning Poetry Workshop
Fall 2025
Taught By: Kathleen Ossip
Section: A

CRN: 17101

Credits: 3

"A poem," said William Carlos Williams, "is a small (or large) machine made of words--efficient, with no unnecessary parts, doing important work." In this workshop, students learn how to build verse, from the individual word through lines and stanzas to the finished, polished poem. Poetic inspiration is explored: what activities can summon it and how to use it when it happens. Writing exercises help students practice basic elements of the craft, such as line breaks, voice, and openings and closings. Students read a variety of modern and contemporary poets, selected according to the interests and needs of the class. In every class meeting, students' poems are read and discussed to clarify their strengths and develop students' understanding of the process of revision.

Prerequisites: No Prerequisites
Co-Requisites: No Co-requisites

College: Schools of Public Engagement (NS)

Department: Creative Writing (CRW)

Campus: New York City (GV)

Course Format: Seminar (R)

Modality: In-Person

Max Enrollment: 18

Repeat Limit: 1

Add/Drop Deadline: September 9, 2025 (Tuesday)

Online Withdrawal Deadline: November 17, 2025 (Monday)

Seats Available: Yes

Status: Open*

* Status information is updated every few minutes. The status of this course may have changed since the last update. Open seats may have restrictions that will prevent some students from registering. Updated: 2:14am EDT 3/14/2025

Meeting Info:
Days: Thursday
Times: 6:00pm - 7:50pm
Building: TBD
Room: TBD
Date Range: 8/27/2025 - 12/15/2025