Advanced Acting: Creating a Role
College of Performing Arts: Drama
Undergraduate Course
Majors Only
Adv Act: Creating a Role
Spring 2025
Taught By: Ka-Ling Cheung
Section: A
CRN: 11792
Credits: 2
This is an Advanced Acting course that focuses on the actor's process of creating a role for the stage.
TDRU3310: Intermediate Acting 1 or TDRU3320 or TDRU3321 or TDRU3323: Intermediate Acting: Classical or TDRU2302: Vocal Production 1 or TDRU2308 or TDRU2317: The Performer's Body - Laban or TDRU2318: Linklater - The Actor's Voice or TDRU2319 or TDRU2320: Mime & Clown for Stage or TDRU2324: Mime & Clown for Circus or TDRU3380: Lucid Body Workshop or TDRU2322
Co-Requisites: No Co-requisites
College: College of Performing Arts (CO)
Department: Drama (DRA)
Campus: New York City (GV)
Course Format: Studio (S)
Modality: In-Person
Max Enrollment: 12
Repeat Limit: 2
Add/Drop Deadline: February 3, 2025 (Monday)
Online Withdrawal Deadline: April 15, 2025 (Tuesday)
Seats Available: No
Status: Closed*
* Status information is updated every few minutes. The status of this course may have changed since the last update. Open seats may have restrictions that will prevent some students from registering. Updated: 3:58pm EDT 3/13/2025
Meeting Info:
Days: Friday
Times: 9:25am - 11:55am
Building: Arnhold Hall 55 W13th
Room: 909
Date Range: 1/20/2025 - 5/14/2025